B2B Campaign Case Study — Novartis
Helping a pharmaceutical engage and teach physicians
How it started
What do you do when your usual sales channels – in-person meetings to educate customers about your products – are suddenly shut down due to a pandemic?
Novartis, a global pharmaceutical company, faced this challenge. Unable to host their usual steak and martini dinners where physicians gather to learn about new products, they asked us to create an engaging online experience based on instructional design principles. The goal? To build relationships with these physicians without the face-to-face trust-building they previously relied on.
What we did
Our a-ha moment: A lit review and primary research on physician mindsets and motivations revealed to Program 11 that healthcare providers don’t want to learn from the pharmaceutical company, they want to learn from their peers or from luminaries in their field.
After interviewing physician experts and conducting secondary research on prescribing behavior, we developed a “peer-to-peer” learning strategy and campaign that appealed to what intrinsically motivates physicians – focusing on active learning experiences centered on realistic patient situations and challenges.
How it’s going
The knowledge-sharing interactive workshop campaign we designed encouraged participants to generate insights and perspectives that would elevate the conversation, and accomplished more than just doctors sharing best practices with one another – it gave them the opportunity to discover something new about patient care together.